Privacy policy

Thank you for visiting our website and for your interest in our organisation.

The protection of your personal data, such as date of birth, name, telephone number, address, etc., is an important concern for us.

The purpose of this privacy policy is to inform you about the processing of your personal data that we collect when you visit our website. Our data protection practices comply with the legal provisions of the Swiss Federal Act on Data Protection (FADP). The following data protection declaration serves to fulfil the information obligations arising from the FADP. These can be found, for example, in Art. 19 ff. DSG.


Data controllers within the meaning of Art. 5 let. j FADP are private persons or the federal body that decides on the purpose and means of processing.

With regard to our website, the owner is:

Kontaktstelle für Arbeitslose
Klybeckstrasse 95
4057 Basel
Tel.: 061 691 24 36

Provision of the website and creation of log files

Each time our website is accessed, our system automatically collects data and information from the accessing device (e.g. computer, mobile phone, tablet, etc.).

What personal data is collected and to what extent is it processed?

(1) Information about the browser type and version used;
(2) The operating system of the retrieval device;
(3) Host name of the accessing computer;
(4) The IP address of the retrieval device;
(5) Date and time of access;
(6) Websites and resources (images, files, other page content) accessed on our website;
(7) Websites from which the user's system reached our website (referrer tracking);
(8) Message indicating whether the call was successful;
(9) Amount of data transferred

This data is stored in the log files of our system. This data is not stored together with the personal data of a specific user, so that individual site visitors cannot be identified.

Legal basis for the processing of personal data

Personal data is processed in accordance with the principle of lawfulness (Art. 6 para. 1 FADP) and the principle of good faith (Art. 6 para. 2 FADP and Art. 2 Swiss Civil Code).

Purpose of data processing

The temporary (automated) storage of the data is necessary for the course of a website visit in order to enable the website to be delivered. Personal data is also stored and processed to maintain the compatibility of our website for as many visitors as possible and to combat misuse and troubleshooting. For this purpose, it is necessary to log the technical data of the accessing computer in order to be able to react as early as possible to display errors, attacks on our IT systems and/or errors in the functionality of our website. We also use the data to optimise the website and to generally ensure the security of our IT systems.

Duration of storage

The aforementioned technical data is deleted as soon as it is no longer required to ensure the compatibility of the website for all visitors, but no later than 3 months after our website is accessed.

Restriction, objection, correction and deletion options

You can request the correction or deletion of your data at any time. You can find out what rights you are entitled to and how to assert them at the bottom of this privacy policy.

Special functions of the website

Our website offers you various functions that collect, process and store personal data when you use them. Below we explain what happens to this data:


  • Scope of the processing of personal data

    Die von Ihnen in unserem Live-Chat eingegebenen Daten, wie z.B. Name und Inhalte.

  • Legal basis for the processing of personal data

    Personal data is processed in accordance with the principle of lawfulness (Art. 6 para. 1 FADP) and the principle of good faith (Art. 6 para. 2 FADP and Art. 2 Swiss Civil Code).

  • Purpose of data processing

    Die über unseren Live-Chat aufgenommenen Daten werden wir nur für die Bearbeitung von Anfragen, die durch unseren Live-Chat eingehen, verwenden.

  • Duration of storage

    Nach Bearbeitung Ihrer Anfrage, die bei uns in unserem Live-Chat eingegangen ist, werden die erhobenen Daten unverzüglich gelöscht, soweit keine gesetzlichen Aufbewahrungsfristen bestehen.

  • Restriction, objection, correction and deletion options

    You can request the correction or deletion of your data at any time. You can find out what rights you are entitled to and how to assert them at the bottom of this privacy policy.

  • Necessity of providing personal data

    Die Nutzung des Live-Chats erfolgt auf freiwilliger Basis. Sie sind nicht verpflichtet, mit uns über den Live-Chat Kontakt aufzunehmen. Sie können auch die weiteren – auf unserer Seite angegebenen – Kontaktmöglichkeiten nutzen. Sofern Sie die notwendigen Angaben nicht eingeben, können Sie unseren Live-Chat nicht nutzen.

Appointment booking form

  • Scope of the processing of personal data

    The data you enter in our appointment booking form.

  • Legal basis for the processing of personal data

    Personal data is processed in accordance with the principle of lawfulness (Art. 6 para. 1 FADP) and the principle of good faith (Art. 6 para. 2 FADP and Art. 2 Swiss Civil Code).

  • Purpose of data processing

    We will only use the data collected via our appointment booking form to process appointment requests received via the appointment booking form.

  • Duration of storage

    Your appointment booking will be deleted by us immediately after 12 months have elapsed since the appointment was scheduled, provided there are no statutory retention obligations. We reserve the right to delete your data without giving reasons and without prior or subsequent information.

  • Restriction, objection, correction and deletion options

    You can request the correction or deletion of your data at any time. You can find out what rights you are entitled to and how to assert them at the bottom of this privacy policy.

  • Necessity of providing personal data

    It is necessary to use our appointment booking form if you wish to book an appointment with us online. To book online, you must provide certain mandatory information. If you do not complete the mandatory information, your appointment booking cannot be accepted or processed.

Disclosure of information to third parties

Personal data is processed in accordance with the principle of lawfulness (Art. 6 para. 1 FADP) and the principle of good faith (Art. 6 para. 2 FADP and Art. 2 Swiss Civil Code).

The disclosure of data to third parties depends on the scope of the activities or offers of our website or our business model described below.

In principle, we only keep your data for as long as necessary and treat it confidentially. Exceptions to this are the transfer of personal data to debt collection service providers, public bodies and authorities as well as private individuals, who have a right to it due to legal provisions, court decisions or official orders as well as the transfer to authorities for the purpose of initiating legal proceedings or for criminal prosecution purposes if our legally protected rights are challenged.

Einbindung externer Webservices und Bearbeitung von Daten ausserhalb der EU

Auf unserer Internetseite verwenden wir aktive Inhalte von externen Anbietern, sog. Webservices. Durch Aufruf unserer Internetseite erhalten diese externen Anbieter ggf. personenbezogene Informationen über Ihren Besuch auf unserer Internetseite. Hierbei ist ggf. eine Bearbeitung von Daten ausserhalb der Schweiz möglich. Sie können dies verhindern, indem Sie ein entsprechendes Browser-Plugin installieren oder das Ausführen von Scripten in Ihrem Browser deaktivieren. Hierdurch kann es zu Funktionseinschränkungen auf Internetseiten kommen, die Sie besuchen.

Wir verwenden folgende externe Webservices:

  • Amazon

    Wir verwenden auf unserer Seite den Dienst Amazon des Unternehmens Amazon Digital Germany GmbH (Domagkstr. 28, 80807 München), sowie folgende Unternehmen: Amazon Europe Core S.à.r.l., die Amazon EU S.à.r.l, die Amazon Services Europe S.à.r.l. und die Amazon Media EU S.à.r.l., alle vier ansässig unter:, 38, avenue John F. Kennedy, L-1855 Luxemburg, Luxemburg, E-Mail:, Website: Die Bearbeitung findet gemäss Einschätzung von Schweizer Behörden in sicheren Drittländern statt. Die Staatenliste der Schweiz sowie weiterführende Informationen finden Sie unter folgendem Link:

    Rechtsgrundlage für die Übermittlung der personenbezogenen Daten stellt Ihre Einwilligung gem. Art. 6 Abs. 6 DSG bzw. Art. 31 Abs. 1 DSG dar, die Sie auf unserer Internetseite getätigt haben.

    Über die Amazon REST-API werden Daten von unserem Amazon-Account auf unserer Website nachgeladen.

    Die Bearbeitung Ihrer Daten können Sie jederzeit widerrufen. Nähere Informationen zum Widerruf Ihrer Einwilligung finden Sie entweder bei der Einwilligung selbst oder am Ende dieser Datenschutzerklärung.

    Weitere Informationen zum Handling der übertragenen Daten finden Sie in der Datenschutzerklärung des Anbieters unter

  • Amazon AWS

    Wir verwenden auf unserer Seite den Dienst Amazon AWS des Unternehmens Amazon Web Services EMEA SARL, 38 Avenue John F. Kennedy, 1855 Luxemburg, Luxemburg, E-Mail:, Website: Die Bearbeitung findet gemäss Einschätzung von Schweizer Behörden in sicheren Drittländern statt. Die Staatenliste der Schweiz sowie weiterführende Informationen finden Sie unter folgendem Link:

    Rechtsgrundlage für die Übermittlung der personenbezogenen Daten ist unser berechtigtes Interesse an der Bearbeitung welches in der Erreichung des nachfolgend geschilderten Zwecks liegt.

    Bei Amazon AWS handelt es sich um ein Cloud-Computing Angebot von Amazon, über das unsere Seite bzw. einzelne Elemente unserer Seite nachgeladen werden. Durch die separate AWS-Cloud wird es uns ermöglicht, unsere Internetseite und deren Dienste von schnelleren Servern herunterladen zu können.

    You can view the provider's certification under the EU-US Data Privacy Framework at abrufen.

    The rights to which you are entitled with regard to processing can be found at the end of this privacy policy.

    Weitere Informationen zum Handling der übertragenen Daten finden Sie in der Datenschutzerklärung des Anbieters unter

  • Legally ok legal text snippet and modules

    We use the Legally ok legal text snippet service and modules from Legally ok GmbH, Schochenmühlestrasse 6, 6340 Baar, Switzerland, e-mail:, Website: Processing takes place exclusively in Switzerland in accordance with the data protection legislation applicable there.

    The legal basis for the transmission and processing is Art. 31 para. 1 FADP. The use of the service helps us to fulfil our legal obligations.

    With the help of the service, the contents of our legal texts are reloaded onto our website. The current legal texts are reloaded via the integration on our site. Further technical modules with regard to the legal texts or legally required elements can also be reloaded via this integration.

    The rights to which you are entitled with regard to processing can be found at the end of this privacy policy.

    Weitere Informationen zum Handling der übertragenen Daten finden Sie in der Datenschutzerklärung des Anbieters unter

  • Microsoft

    On our website we use the Microsoft service provided by Microsoft Ireland Operations Limited, One Microsoft Place, South County Business Park, Leopardstown, 18 Dublin, Ireland, e-mail:, Website: Die Bearbeitung findet gemäss Einschätzung von Schweizer Behörden in sicheren Drittländern statt. Die Staatenliste der Schweiz sowie weiterführende Informationen finden Sie unter folgendem Link:

    Rechtsgrundlage für die Übermittlung der personenbezogenen Daten stellt Ihre Einwilligung gem. Art. 6 Abs. 6 DSG bzw. Art. 31 Abs. 1 DSG dar, die Sie auf unserer Internetseite getätigt haben.

    An advertising network is controlled via the service. The service is therefore used to display adverts of all kinds.

    You can view the provider's certification under the EU-US Data Privacy Framework at abrufen.

    Die Bearbeitung Ihrer Daten können Sie jederzeit widerrufen. Nähere Informationen zum Widerruf Ihrer Einwilligung finden Sie entweder bei der Einwilligung selbst oder am Ende dieser Datenschutzerklärung.

    Weitere Informationen zum Handling der übertragenen Daten finden Sie in der Datenschutzerklärung des Anbieters unter

  • Soundcloud

    On our website, we use the Soundcloud service of the company SoundCloud Global Limited & Co. KG, Rheinsberger Str. 76/77, 10115 Berlin, Germany, e-mail:, Website: Die Bearbeitung findet gemäss Einschätzung von Schweizer Behörden in sicheren Drittländern statt. Die Staatenliste der Schweiz sowie weiterführende Informationen finden Sie unter folgendem Link:

    The legal basis for the transfer of personal data is the contract already concluded or to be concluded between you and us in accordance with Art. 31 para. 2 let. a FADP.

    With the help of the service, we can reload and display media such as videos, sound streams or similar on our website. The use of the service is necessary to be able to offer you the function on our site.

    The rights to which you are entitled with regard to processing can be found at the end of this privacy policy.

    Weitere Informationen zum Handling der übertragenen Daten finden Sie in der Datenschutzerklärung des Anbieters unter

    Der Anbieter bietet unter zusätzlich eine Opt-Out Möglichkeit an.

  • Userlike

    Wir verwenden auf unserer Seite den Dienst Userlike des Unternehmens Userlike UG, Probsteigasse 44-46, 50670 Köln, Deutschland, E-Mail:, Website: Die Bearbeitung findet gemäss Einschätzung von Schweizer Behörden in sicheren Drittländern statt. Die Staatenliste der Schweiz sowie weiterführende Informationen finden Sie unter folgendem Link:

    Rechtsgrundlage für die Übermittlung der personenbezogenen Daten stellt Ihre Einwilligung gem. Art. 6 Abs. 6 DSG bzw. Art. 31 Abs. 1 DSG dar, die Sie auf unserer Internetseite getätigt haben.

    Der Dienst Userlike dient zur Einbindung eines Chat-Bots auf unserer Internetseite.

    Die Bearbeitung Ihrer Daten können Sie jederzeit widerrufen. Nähere Informationen zum Widerruf Ihrer Einwilligung finden Sie entweder bei der Einwilligung selbst oder am Ende dieser Datenschutzerklärung.

    Weitere Informationen zum Handling der übertragenen Daten finden Sie in der Datenschutzerklärung des Anbieters unter

    Der Anbieter bietet unter zusätzlich eine Opt-Out Möglichkeit an.

Information on the use of cookies

Scope of the processing of personal data

Auf verschiedenen Seiten integrieren und verwenden wir Cookies, um bestimmte Funktionen unserer Website zu ermöglichen und externe Webservices zu integrieren. Bei den sogenannten «Cookies» handelt es sich um kleine Textdateien, die Ihr Browser auf Ihrem Zugangsgerät speichern kann. Diese Textdateien enthalten eine charakteristische Zeichenkette, die den Browser eindeutig identifiziert, wenn Sie zu unserer Website zurückkehren. Der Prozess des Speicherns einer Cookie-Datei wird auch als «Setzen eines Cookies» bezeichnet. Cookies können hierbei sowohl von der Website selbst als auch von externen Webservices gesetzt werden.

Legal basis for the processing of personal data

Relevant are Art. 6 ff. DSG (principles).

The relevant legal basis can be found in the cookie table listed later in this section.

In general, in the case of cookies that are collected on the basis of a legitimate interest, our legitimate interest is to ensure the functionality of our website and the services integrated into it (technically necessary cookies). In addition, the cookies may increase their user-friendliness and enable a more personalised approach. In this case, we have weighed up your interests against our interests.

With the help of cookie technology, we can only identify, analyse and track individual website visitors if the website visitor has consented to the use of cookies in accordance with Art. 6 (6) GDPR.

Purpose of data processing

The cookies are set by our website or the external web services in order to maintain the full functionality of our website, to improve user-friendliness or to pursue the purpose stated with your consent. Cookie technology also enables us to recognise individual visitors by means of pseudonyms, e.g. individual or random IDs, so that we can offer more individual services. Details are listed in the table below.

Duration of storage

The cookies listed below are stored in your browser until they are deleted or, in the case of a session cookie, until the session has expired. Details are listed in the following table:

Cookie name Server Provider Purpose Legal basis Storage duration Type
ClientId Microsoft The cookie is used in connection with Microsoft Bookings. Microsoft Bookings is a tool for booking appointments and is integrated into the Microsoft 365 calendar. The cookie is used to maintain the website visitor's session after logging in with OpenID Connect. Clients can use OIDC to confirm the identity of an end user with the help of authentication by an authorisation server. Consent approx. 12 months Configuration
MC1 Microsoft Das Cookie wird von Microsoft verwendet, um Statistiken darüber zu führen, welche Seiten der Nutzer besucht hat und wie oft ein Anzeigenklick zu einem Kauf oder einer anderen Aktion auf der Website des Werbenden führt. Consent approx. 12 months Marketing
MS0 Microsoft Das Cookie identifiziert eine bestimmte Sitzung. Consent approx. 30 minutes Configuration
MicrosoftApplicationsTelemetryDeviceId Microsoft The cookie used assigns an ID to the site visitor and determines statistical data on the site visitor's website visits. This is used to personalise the advertising that is displayed to the user. Consent Meeting Marketing
OIDC Microsoft The cookie is used in connection with Microsoft Bookings. Microsoft Bookings is a tool for booking appointments and is integrated into the Microsoft 365 calendar. The cookie is used to maintain the website visitor's session after logging in with OpenID Connect. Clients can use OIDC to confirm the identity of an end user with the help of authentication by an authorisation server. Consent approx. 6 months Configuration
sc_anonymous_id Soundcloud This cookie assigns an ID to a site user when visiting subpages with embedded music files from Soundcloud in order to be able to play the music. Consent approx. 10 years Configuration

Possibility of objection, revocation of consent and deletion

You can set your browser according to your wishes so that the setting of cookies is generally prevented. You can then decide on a case-by-case basis whether to accept cookies or to accept cookies in principle. Cookies can be used for various purposes, e.g. to recognise that your access device is already connected to our website (permanent cookies) or to save recently viewed offers (session cookies). If you have expressly given us permission to process your personal data, you can revoke this consent at any time. Please note that this does not affect the lawfulness of the processing carried out on the basis of your consent until you withdraw it.

Data security and data protection, communication by e-mail

Your personal data is protected by technical and organisational measures during collection, storage and processing in such a way that it is not accessible to third parties. In the case of unencrypted communication by e-mail, we cannot guarantee complete data security on the transmission path to our IT systems, so we recommend encrypted communication or the postal service for information requiring a high level of confidentiality.

Duration of data storage and rights of the data subject

Duration of storage

We only store personal data to the extent and for as long as is necessary to fulfil the purposes for which the personal data was collected, we have a legitimate overriding interest in the storage or are legally obliged to do so.

Right to information

You have the right to request confirmation as to whether we are processing your personal data. If this is the case, you have a right to information about the information specified in 25 et seq. DSG, insofar as the information cannot be refused, restricted or postponed by the data controller (see Art. 26 f. FADP). We will also be happy to provide you with a copy of the data.

Right of rectification

In accordance with Art. 32 para. 1 FADP, you have the right to demand that incorrect personal data (e.g. address, name, etc.) be corrected, provided that this claim does not conflict with any legal obligation. You can also request the completion of the data stored by us at any time. A corresponding adjustment will be made immediately.

Right to cancellation

You have the right to request that we delete the personal data we have collected about you if

  • the data is either no longer required;
  • the legal basis for processing no longer applies due to the withdrawal of your consent;
  • there are no longer any justified reasons for processing;
  • your data is processed unlawfully;
  • a legal obligation requires this.

The right does not exist if

  • the processing is necessary for exercising the right to freedom of expression and information;
  • Your data has been collected on the basis of a legal obligation;
  • the processing is necessary for reasons of public interest;
  • the data is required for the establishment, exercise or defence of legal claims.

Right of cancellation

If you have given us your express consent to process your personal data (Art. 6 para. 6 FADP and Art. 31 para. 1 FADP), you can withdraw this consent at any time. Please note that this does not affect the lawfulness of the processing carried out on the basis of the consent until revocation. Data for which we are legally obliged to retain will be deleted after the deadline has expired.

How do you exercise your rights?

You can exercise your rights at any time by contacting us using the contact details below:

Kontaktstelle für Arbeitslose
Klybeckstrasse 95
4057 Basel
Tel.: 061 691 24 36

Right to data portability

We will provide you with the following data on request:

  • Data collected on the basis of consent (Art. 31 para. 1 FADP);
  • Data that we have received from you as part of existing contracts (Art. 31 para. 2 let. a FADP);
  • Data that has been processed as part of an automated procedure.

We will transfer the personal data directly to a controller requested by you, insofar as this is technically feasible. Please note that we are not permitted to transfer data that interferes with the overriding interests of third parties in accordance with Art. 26 para. 1 let. b FADP, or only to a limited extent.

Notifications to the FDPIC and the right to lodge a complaint

Pursuant to Art. 49 FADP, data subjects may file a complaint with the supervisory authority if there are sufficient indications that data processing may violate data protection regulations. The supervisory authority for data protection in Switzerland is the Federal Data Protection and Information Commissioner (FDPIC).

Further information can be found in the FDPIC's contact form:

If you suspect that your data is being processed unlawfully on our website, you can bring about a judicial clarification of the problem in accordance with Art. 32 FADP. As a rule, an action under Art. 28 ff. ZGB should be sought. If you are affected by the processing of data by federal bodies, the procedure is governed by Art. 41 FADP. You can also contact the FDPIC in this case (see reference to the contact form above).

Legally ok - Data protection solution for websites - Privacy policy, imprint, cookie banner

The privacy policy, the imprint and the cookie banner of this website were created free of charge with the all-in-one website data protection solution Legally ok created.